Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Social Networking at

Social Networking! How can it help me?
With so many links and sites to choose from, it is a bit confusing these days where to turn for a good place to settle in. Unless you are a network marketer or have all the free time in the world...there are just too many site to visit, let alone add content.

Here are a couple of suggestions:

  1. Find a group, network or site that relates closely to what you do or want to do. If your a teacher or student I suggest
  2. Limit yourself to a single personal blog. You can have them at other places but I suspect you, like others, will be more successful with a single blog. I like
  3. Reach...get outside of your comfort zone. Reach for things that will help you build new skills and contacts. In other words not only become a life long learner but apply this new knowledge.
  4. Set a goal for new contacts per day, week or month. But define the quality, type and other specifics about the contact. If you make the goal too simple you will find yourself with hundreds of contacts that may or may not help you or them. The more you know about what your perfect contacts look like, the easier to hit a home run here.
  5. Touch base with every contact at least twice a year. It's part of being friendly. When you do, make sure their information is up to date. Be interested in things beyond work. Families, achievements and hobbies all are building blocks for a relationship.
Now, a final thought. If you want to make all your efforts worth consistent. That is the key to success.

Happy Learning!

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